Official evaluations will be conducted electronically on the day of the event.
Each presenter will be evaluated on a scale of 1 (unacceptable) to 5 (exceptional) in the following:
Background and reasons for research / project:
- Relevant and adequate background
- Clearly stated study objective(s).
Methods of the research project:
- Methodology and study design appropriate to answer research question
- Statistics appropriate for the study design
Results of the research project:
- Results are presented appropriately, accurate for type of statistic
- Relevant to pharmacy practice.
Discussion and Conclusion of the research project:
- Discussion and conclusion match the results presented, are relevant to material presented
- Applicability of this research to pharmacy practice
Resident Involvement in research project:
- Presentation that the resident is knowledgeable about the project content
- Evident the resident had a high level of involvement and interest in the project
Presenter’s overall presentation skills:
- Eye contact, pace and volume where appropriate, clear speech, free of distracting mannerisms or repetitive fillers
Project presentation was organized and flowed well:
- Orderly presentation: Background, objectives, study methods, study results, discussion and conclusions. Transitions were smooth.
Presentation slides augmented overall presentation:
- Clarity, conciseness, readability, free of errors/ typo’s etc.
Presenter’s ability to verbalize information from slides to the audience:
- Presenter’s ability to speak to information without relying on slide content
- Ability to present information understandable to audience
Presenter’s ability to answer questions:
- Presenter’s ability to answer the question presented based on their knowledge of the subject